Sunday, February 09, 2014

Road near Iona beach at sunset

This is my first attempt at "painting into effect" explained here by Marc Dalessio.
In short, it's a method to capture a view at the golden hour that only last all but a few minutes.

You arrive early. In this case I arrived about 2 hour before the sunset and started to fill in the painting with what I was seeing. As the light and shadows moved and colours changed, I continued to add the new effect into the near-completed-painting. I would just keep chasing until I arrived at a moment that I was happy with.

You can see in the sky there were actually clouds to begin with, but at the end they disappeared and I liked the simplicity of the warm sky so I just covered them up with paint. The mountain was more blue, around the edges you can see how I painted over it with purple. The trees and grass also had their colours changed gradually to this warm saturated golden colour.

It's important to keep the initial painting thin. If you painted with impasto in the beginning you will have a hard time painting over it with new colours.

Road near Iona Beach at sunset - oil on panel - 9" x 12"

I love learning about new methods and trying them out myself. Marc's post really helps me understand how to approach this kind of painting en plein air and give me more confidence to do another one!

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