Sunday, February 02, 2014

Fraser river timber rafts

It's always fun when the subject is different. This time it is the timber rafts on the Fraser river. All along the river you can see many of these, and sometimes a tug boat would be towing a row.
It was drizzling and I was home debating whether I should go paint. I had painted in the rain in the past but was always under some covering. People always said that it's fine to paint oil in the rain, so I went.
I set up along the river on a park bench. Right when I was doing the preliminary lines it started to downpour. I found I couldn't mix colours at all. Sure oil and water didn't mix, but the water acted as a separator between different oil colours, and I was not able to paint like this.
I took out the umbrella, held it in one hand and the brush in the other. By the time I was about done my umbrella hand was about to give up, and my brush hand was tremoring due to my illness. It was especially a pain for details that require precision such as the bridge and the branches.

"Fraser river at the end of Elliot" - oil on panel - 9" x 12"

Overall I find sitting down prevents me from back up more often to see the big picture but for now that has to do. This painting is a good candidate for me to try glazing since it has a lot of white. Looking at the paintings from Tom Thomson, I see that he seemed to glazed all of his paintings as a final stage, and it created a lot of texture.

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