Monday, February 17, 2014

5 o'clock murder

It poured all day again. I stayed home and finished a couple paintings. When it was getting darker I decided to paint the scene from the back yard.

5 o'clock murder - oil on panel - 12" x 9"

In order to complete this painting, I started at 4:30 to block in the shapes, 5 o'clock the daily migration of crows coming to roost and I tried to capture a few in flight. 5:30 the sky got to the deep purple I was looking for and that's when I combine all the elements and finish the painting.

Lots of great artists painted night time scenes. From the top of my head there are Isaac Levitan, James Abbott McNeill Whistler and Marc Hanson, look them up if you haven't.

Here is the updated "A rainbow kind of day". In a previous post I talked about finishing the painting with some foreground elements. Here I added some shrubs and poles and wires leading to the top edge, completing a spiral that leads the eyes to the boats. I also added a bald eagle to the top of the pole to insert my memory.

"A rainbow kind of day" - oil on panel - 9" x 12"

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