Tuesday, April 08, 2014

More trees!

More paintings of trees! I used to look at paintings of the woods and wonder how they were done, so much detail in real life, how it was simplified and organized... I am slowly learning.

The figures really suggested scale in the photo. I wish I could do that in my paintings, but at the moment I am not confident at adding figures to my work as I believe a weak figure will weaken the entire painting.

Two crows - oil on panel - 12" x 9"

Nature's tally - oil on panel - 12" x 9"

 I was sitting on the side of the trail as I painted the above painting, many people would walk pass and look to the direction I was looking at, to see what glorious view I was painting, but no one slowed down and I supposed it's because they didn't see anything interesting.

Painting really opens my eyes, it helps me see beauty everywhere, more than ever. This is the view the hikers would see at 4 km per hour.

Here is my trick for sitting on soft ground, in order for the chair legs to not sink in the dirt I fold a garbage bags a few times and put it under the legs.

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