Friday, March 07, 2014

Burnaby Mountain park

The fog was rolling in as I got to Burnaby Mountain park. What's better than a fog and totem poles?

The gods and people of Ainu - oil on panel - 9" x 12"

The fog came fast and disappeared fast, and changed in thickness every minute, so a lot of it was painted from memory. I also had to move the totem poles around a bit to get a nice rhythm.

When I was about done the fog was completely gone and I was left with a sunny day. I found another subject just a short walk away.

The red and green combo was so delicious I couldn't pass it up even though I knew the day was getting dark. Did you notice it's overcast now?

A lot of the time painting is about finding an inspiration however subtle, and polish it to make it a diamond. I added the rest of the details at home as I lost my daylight.

Almost Christmas - oil on panel - 9" x 12"

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