Sunday, October 13, 2013


I have always wanted to do a night time painting, since I saw the Nocturne series from James Whistler. In the paintings, you will see a pretty limited gamut, due to our eyes not being able to distinguish many hues in the dark. Also in this paintings there are many soft edge which I experienced in this painting as well. You can see I smeared the silhouette between the sky and the mountain.
This painting was a lot of fun to work with. I started with a black paper, and put in the sky first, and that defined the mountains as well. Where I painted there wasn't much light, so I actually couldn't quite tell what colours I was putting down, such as the green train cargo, it was supposed to be blue.
I really hope I will find the time to do more of these.

2012 Nov. - 6.5" x 8.5"

Marc Hanson did a series of Nocturne paintings, they are amazing, check them out.

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